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Showing posts from August, 2018

create a program to print directory strucure like C:\cygwin\home\administrator.

Q: Create a program that uses escape sequence \\ to print the following directory structure C:\cygwin\home\administrator. We are using gcc compiler and terminal to compile the code and ubuntu OS.   PROGRAM: #include<stdio.h> void main()  {   printf("C:\\cygwin\\home\\administrator.\n");  }  OUTPUTE:

Create a program to print quotes like "Dreams And Dedications Are Most Powerful Combinations" .

Q:Create a program that uses escape sequence \* to print your favorite quote   We are using gcc compiler and terminal to compile the code and ubuntu OS.   PROGRAM: #include<stdio.h>  void main()  {  printf("\"Dreams And Dedications Are Most Powerful Combinations\"\n");  }    OUTPUTE: 

Creating Diamond By Using Prinf() Statement

Q:Write a program that prints a diamond as demonstrated.                                             *                                   *                  *                          *                                      * ...

Creating Calculator Program Using Cpp

Implement a class Complex which represents the Complex Number data type. Implement the following operations: 1. Constructor (including a default constructor which creates the complex number 0+0i). 2. Overloaded operator+ to add two complex numbers. 3. Overloaded operator* to multiply two complex numbers. 4. Overloaded << and >> to print and read Complex Numbers. We are using g++ compiler and terminal to compile the code and ubuntu OS.  PROGRAM: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() {  PROGRAM:    int a,b,c;    char op,d;    do    {    cout<<"Enter the first number:";    cin>>a;    cout<<"Enter the second number:";    cin>>b;    cout<<"Enter operator +,-,*,/:";    cin>>op;       switch(op)       {        case'+':  ...